Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Biking Around Givat Shmuel

I’ve discovered something. Behind Givat Shmuel there’s a large stretch of open fields, perfect for some off road biking.
I kinda stumbled onto it by accident. I was going on a ride yesterday, and just found it. I wasn’t able to really get a feel for it as I was running out of water and I didn’t want to get stuck out there without water, so I went back today and had a great time.
I will admit that some of it is annoying because it’s made of sand. Bikes don’t do well in sand, but if I can avoid the middle of the road and stick to the sides which are a little more compacted, I’m fine.
I can’t wait to get out to Beit Shemesh and hit the trails out there, from what I hear the whole area is a biker’s heaven. 2 week’s to go until I move out there, (but I have a feeling I’m going to be on a trail before that).
Here are some of the pics I took while out in the field today and a link to a video I took coming back.
Pics: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=9395&l=114a4&id=299900444
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W9AQQ_UYtM

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